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Short Biographical Sketch

Ramjee Prasad was born on July 1, 1946 in Babnaur (Gaya), India. He obtained a B.Sc. (1968) from the Bihar Institute of Technology, Sindri, India, and M.Sc. (1970) and a PhD (1979) from the Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi, India. During the period 1979-1983, he was an Assistant and later an Associate professor and Head of the Microwave Laboratory at BIT. In the period 1983-1988, he was an Associate Porfessor and later a Full Professor at the University of Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. From 1988-1999, he was the Founding Head of Centre for Wireless and Personal Communications (CWPC) at the Technical University Delft, The Netherlands. From 1999 June, Ramjee Prasad joined Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark as a Full Professor, Wireless Information Multimedia Communications Chair, which he holds until todate.During 1999-2003 he was the Co-Director of the Center for PersonKommunikation (CPK) at AAU, Denmark.


Ramjee Prasad has initialized and created the platform for many international M.Sc. and PhD programmes in collaboration with Aalborg University,  for example, the PhD programs with the Indian educational istitutes and industreis; the M.Sc. program with the Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia, the joint Master program in Software Defined Radio (SDR) with the Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), in Mesra, India; the M.Sc. and PhD programs with the Athens Information Technology (AIT) in Greece; the Joint M.Sc. program with the Technical University of Sofia in Bulgaria. Under his leadership and as a founding chaiman, the VISHWANIKETAN, an Institute for Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technologies (iMEET), was launched in 2009 in Navi Mumbai, India (VISHWANIKETAN-


In January 2004, Prof Dr Ramjee Prasad became the Founding Director of the Center for TeleInfrastruktur (CTIF), established as large multi-area research center on the premises of AAU. Under the successful leadership of Prof Prasad, CTIF has since emerged as a prominent international center of excellence with visionary ideas and path-breaking research in wireless communications.  CTIF boasts of a global presence today with its divisions dotted in eleven countries spanning across three continents and thtough its numerous valuable partnerships that have been forged with world renowned academic institutions spread across fourteen countries on six continents.


CTIF currently has more than 300 scientists from different parts of the world, and two CTIF branches abroad, namely, CTIF-Italy (September 2006, Rome), CTIF-India (December 2007 in Kolkata), CTIF-Copenhagen (March 2008, Copenhagen), CTIF-Japan (October 2008 in Yokosuka), CTIF-USA (April 2011), CTIF-South East Europe (November 2013), CTIF Global Capsule (2015), of which he is elected as the Executive President. Understanding the critical significance of cross- /inter- disciplinary research and the need for a collective approach to societal needs, Prof Prasad has led CTIF to be a center of a conducive research without borders and to produce numerous successful PhDs.


Evidence of Technical Accomplishment

Ramjee Prasad has contributed to the global advancement of telecommunications engineering, science and technology in a number of ways.


First, he has a long path of achievements until to date in the academic research of the wireless and mobile communication area that have paved the road from first-generation telecommunication systems towards the current next generation. He  is a worldwide established scientist which is visible from his many international academic, industrial and governmental awards and distinctions. He has published more than 50 books, 1000 plus journals and conferences publications, more than 15 patents, over 100 PhD Graduates and larger number of Masters (over 250). Several of his students are today worldwide telecommunication leaders themselves. His research publications have been very well cited globally.


He had a pioneering role in introducing the rounded concept of CDMA as a technology for wireless personal communications. With this he helped generating many new directions of research and their solutions for future wireless personal communications. One of this directions led to the concept of the universal personal communication system, combining into one a broad range of research areas, such as radio propagation aspects, basic cellular communications including macrocellular, microcellular, and picocellular systems, adaptive equalization, multiple access protocols with CDMA concepts and random access protocols in a hostile wireless environment, dynamic channel assignment, several aspects of future public land mobile telecommunication systems (FPLMTS)/IMT-2000/UMTS and broadband multimedia communications including OFDM, OFDM-based asynchronous transfer mode network and MC-CDMA. His research effort continued further to introduce the concept of WCDMA and a comprehensive approach to the design of a WCDMA air interface that was a major step towards the adoption of the concept of UMTS for third generation systems. Further, his research efforts provided a comprehensive material about OFDM and how to build an OFDM demonstrator. He helped establish OFDM as a candidate technology for applications such as digital audio and video broadcasting, and wireless ATM, an effort that currently can be recognized in the significance of OFDM as the technology for fourth generation communication systems. He provided a first complete contribution of how to design and evaluate a telecommunication system from physical to upper layers by computer simulations and described the software radio communication system as a future application of the software programming. He helped bridge the concept of software radio to software programming and real hardware implementation. His vision introduced on a large scale into the research efforts of his organization and IEEE community the importance of convergence of heterogeneous technologies as the enabling means for the adoption of next generation communications. In this context he introduced the concept of personal networks and personal network federations (i.e., developed to a completely implemented platform within the Framework Programme (FP) 6 IST projects My personal Adaptive Global Net (MAGNET) and MAGNET Beyond projects).


He also has outstanding technical leadership, managerial and business skills that have led to the globalization of mobile and wireless research and education and their elevation to a new level through an effort towards commercialisation of research results.Ramjee Prasad as a CTIF leader has launched several major breakthrough concepts, with the most significant one, the Wireless Innovative System for Dynamic Operating Megacommunications (WISDOM) that laid the focus on the wireless technology beyond 2020. WISDOM is a pioneering vision for the future of wireless communications and 5G that proposed to design and develop novel technologies, systems and networks that shall globally integrate, interconnect, and communicate into a flexible and dynamically operating architecture.


For his exceptional contribution to the internationalization of the Danish telecommunication research and education, in 2010, Ramjee Prsad was awareded the Knight of the Order of Dannebrog (Ridderkorset af Dannebrogordenen-2010) by the Queen of Denmark.


Ramjee Prasad is the recipient of many international academic, industrial and governmental awards and distinctions. He has received many prestigious international awards such as: IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award in 2003 for making contribution in the field of “Personal, Wireless and Mobile Systems and Networks”, Telenor's Research Award in 2005 for impressive merits, both academic and organizational within the field of wireless and personal communication,  2014 IEEE AESS Outstanding Organizational Leadership Award for: “Organizational Leadership in developing and globalizing the CTIF (Center for TeleInFrastruktur) Research Network”, 2015 XXXX


He is the Founding Chairman of the Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI) and the Founding Chairman of the European Center of Excellence in Telecommunications known as HERMES, of which he is now the Honorary Chairman.

Ramjee Prasad initiated an important cooperation with the Telecommunications Research and Industrial Development Institute (TRIDI) Thailand, of which the MoU between TRIDI and Aalborg University was signed in 2010.


Ramjee Prasad initiated the Master program on Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship (ICTE) at Aalborg University with a focus on IPR and commercialization. Today, there are more than 100 M.Sc. and PhD graduates from the above academic programs with a degree from Aalborg University, many of whom have found prominent places in the academic, industrial, and public spheres.


Ramjee Prasad has been the driver of fruitful cooperation with companies, like Samsung, Huawei, Nokia, Telenor, among others. He is advisor to several multinational companies.


Evidence of Societal Impact for India and worldwide

CTIF has established an unprecedented in Denmark, Europe and the world, global scale of activities and achievements. A particular contribution of CTIF activities under the leadership of Prof Prasad has resulted in a strong societal impact in India: namely, (1) it has managed to attract the Indian industrial attention on the importance of an Indian Standardisation Body (SDO) in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which resulted in the successful launch of the Global ICT Standardisation Forum for India ( establishe din 2010;  (2) has established  a Joint GISFI-Aalborg University PhD program, that has already seen XXXX PhD graduates; (3) has launched the International Institute for Innovations in ICT (I4CT), on February 28, 2010, in Lonavala, India,; and (4) has launched the VISHWANIKETAN, Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technologies (iMEET) in Maharashtra, India.

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