Ridderkorset af Dannebrogordenen (Knight of the Dannebrog) from the Danish Queen due to the internationalization of top-class telecommunication research and education – 2010.
IEEE Life Fellow, IEEE Communication Society Award, USA – 2009

Aalborg Ambassador – 2009.

Award of year host creator for arranging Wireless ViTAE – 2009.

Most distinguished technical and cooperation leaders to the Official Business Government Delegation led by the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen to India – 2008.

Felicitation as Eminent Engineer, Institution of Engineers, India – 2008.

Most distinguished technical leader to the Royal Business Delegation led by her Majesty, The Queen of Denmark Margarethe II to South Korea – 2007.

Telenor's Research Award for impressive merits, both academic and organizational within the field of wireless and personal communication– 2005.

Samsung Electronics Advisor Plaque of Thanks, for the great contribution as an Advisor for Samsung Telecommunication Network Business - 2005.

Yearly Aalborg-European Achievements Award of the Aalborg Mayor for a world leading expertise in Wireless Communication towards 4G – 2004.

IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award for making contribution in the field of “Personal, Wireless and Mobile Systems and Networks” – 2003.

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Award, for outstanding performance as Chairman of the Fall-1999 Vehicular Technology Conference – 2000.

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 1994 Chapter of the Year Award presented to the IEEE Vehicular TechnologyCommunication Society Joint Chapter in Benelux with Chairman Prof. Dr. Ramjee Prasad – 1996.

Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK – 1993.

Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India – 1989.